

俚语 guy guessing

guy guessing

When a guy confidently claims to know something, but in reality, he's just making wild stabs in the dark.
Often used to win arguments or to seem smart to impress the girls.
Tina: "Will we hit traffic on the way there?"
Bob: "No way, it'll be a smooth ride."
*Stuck in traffic for hours*
Tina: "Bob's guy guessing got us again!"

Hey guys, I guess that's it

Some mind-blowing last words, said by Ronnie McNutt on Facebook live before pointing a rifle (not a shotgun, it was a rifle) to his chin and shooting himself, literally blowing out his mind.
Ronnie McNutt: Hey guys, I guess that's it.
*Ringtone Noises*
*More Ringtone Noises*

Hey guys, I guess that's it.

Famous last words on August 31, 2020.
Hey guys, I guess that's it. (gunshot)

Aw, shit guys, I guess it's, crabz season. I guess I'll have to go around.

That's what you have to say every crabz season! Fuck my actual life, crabz are fucking stupid.
Hym "Aw, shit guys, I guess it's, crabz season. I guess I'll have to go around. The tidal wave of crabz is crossing the fucking street so I guess I'll take a fucking detour. That or I'm the asshole running over crabz. Fuck crabz. They should throw me a fucking parade for running over those little cock-suckers. You're welcome."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:49:20