

俚语 gwillum's


Gwillums are intelligent. They collect degrees, often having two or more. Usually on historical subjects. They can, however, talk for hours on any number of subjects, and often do not mind if they have no audience. A Gwillum has a deep love for Wales, and generally believe that everything orginates from there. Robin Hood is Welsh, according to Gwillums, the Garden of Eden was in Wales, the Holy Grail is in Wales, and man himself orginates from Wales. Gwillums can also talk incessantly about topics concerning books that they have read, television programmes and historical characters, often giving a synoposis longer than the item in question itself. There is nothing that a Gwillum doesn't know and nothing they are afraid to inform you of. It is their duty to inform you on the universe and all the dwells within it, whether you want to know or not.

These creatures are very generous and caring. It is impossible to have a bitch with a Gwillum for they do not understand such concepts. They care deeply for all their friends and believe in all the modes of chivilary and valour.

They also have a bizare belief that they are a collective.

Gwillums also enjoy sword fighting with plastic swords.
"Gwillum's are a rare and endangered breed, be careful should you meet one."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:22:00