

俚语 gómez


Mexican family known for their hard work, and being very proud.They put their family first, And love and care for others they take pride in their work.They honor the family name with dignity, respect, and pride.they are also very good looking and funny.
The Gomez family is good looking.



is my chicken

my lover

my world

fuck you dev you wish you were him
Bitch 1: I can believe Gomez is with her

Bitch 2: Ik I'm so jealous

Gomez: as you should be


After a verticle 69, you powerbomb the girl into the ground, flip her off with both hands, yell "GOMEZ" in her face, and walk away.
I gomezed my girlfriend last night, she loved it.


A person who seems to leak pheromones. His very presence draws both men and women to him dying to be his. Someone who isn't exactly great looking and is not exactly nice but for some reason evryone wants him... Everyone.
Person 1: Did you see that dude yesterday?
Person 2: Yeah, why is his hair so long?
Person 1: I know he seriously needs to cut it.
Person 2: He is such a Gomez. I think I'm gonna ask him out.
Person 1: No way, I am.

And then a catfight ensues.


Easily one of the most individual and fantastic bands ever. A person who disagrees with this statement is a goon. A band who's tours are fueled by thousands of bottles of beer, hundreds of bottles of Jack Daniels and literally pounds of marijuana.
We love beer! We love beer! We love Gomez!


The following definitions apply:

1. Worse than a Gomer
2. A person who troils internet forums for satisfaction in his own personal life.
3. One who is generally hated.
4. A whinging, moaning, serial hypocrite.
5. Someone with no respect for anyone else but themselves.
6. An old man who has lost his mind.
Newcomers (and long term serial offenders) need to understand the etiquette when it comes to posting. When some fool is crapping on about his eBay bodykit in a thread on suspension, everyone loses out. Searches turn to shit when you find that Tein hood damper thread chock full of two wankers rabbiting on about their tandoori scented air fresheners.

Heckle and Jeckle are magpies. Magpies can make a loud annoying racket. Magpies are a part of nature, but that doesn't mean you can't hit them with the odd crossbow bolt when they become annoying.

Gomez out.


If your last name is Gomez, you suck. You will have a horrible life, and everybody will dislike you. Why? Because you are ugly, stupid, and idiotic. You are dumb, and will get nowhere in life. You should just give up.
Did you hear that the Gomez family is homeless now? It's awesome, right?




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:30:59