

俚语 habersham's


Habersham is a county located in the northeastern part of the state of Georgia. Habersham's biggest exports are racism, depression, football loses, and meth heads. The 'Sham' has many exciting things to be found, especially if you like goddamn trees and shanky redneck whores. The biggest tourist attraction is the Walmart Supercenter perfect for those fancy date nights with your sweetheart! The dress code is wife beaters and boots, no pants. Come explore! Unless you're gay, Hispanic, black, bi, handicap, Jewish, Muslim, or voted for Obama in the last election.
I'd rather be scrubbing the shitter at any truck stop gas station with my tongue then live in Habersham.


Small county located in Georgia with a population of about 30,000 is full of whatever you can imagine but they are all wannabes because it self the county is just trees and roads the only real group are rednecks, the school is nickname the sham is got a lame Football team that is only good for parting after losing a game because the cheerleaders are really slutty it also has a lame Basketball team, the only sports worth cheering are soccer that makes it to the play-offs every year and is always kicking private school ass and the golf, tennis, Baseball, swimming and wresteling all which have statee tittles but no one knows!!
-Tony: "Hey matt, how is the Habersham football team this year?"
-Matt: "We have not lost by more than 30 points this season!!"
-Tony: "That's awesome!! a new county record!!"
-Matt: "Yup, we are improving, And how is soccer team?"
-Tony: "We have perfect record so far and we are pretty much in play-offs already, so that's the 3rd region tittle in a row"
-Matt: "ZZZZzzzZZZZZzzz"
-Tony; "losers"

Habersham County

Habersham is a small place of about 44,000 people. Common past times include smoking meth, having sex with close family members, driving extra large pickups to make up for extra small penises, and growing old and realizing that all you've provided the world is a series of Republican votes. Habersham is also known for its lovely police department who managed to throw a flash-bang into a baby's playpen during a... meth raid. They may not have caught the perp, but at least they severely disfigured an innocent child in the process. If taking a road trip, one should avoid driving through Habersham at all costs as the local backwoods inbreds can not comprehend the minute complexities of operating their pickup trucks and will tailgate and cut you off from one side of the county to the other. The wildlife native to the county is gorgeous... too bad the infestation of hunters kill most of it, so you probably won't witness any. I highly advise anyone to reconsider travel plans.
The GPS is trying to take us through Habersham County. Let's be safe and take the hour detour around it.

habersham central band of blue

A band formerly directed by Ryan dukes and the pride of Habersham when the football team suck the band plays like a fucking DCI corps and over accomplishments over every band they play agianst
jhon:damn that habersham central band of blue is loud af

rocky:stfu i played for them before i graduated




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