

俚语 2 dicks

2 Dick Needy

A phrase used to describe a girl who sleeps with more than one guy at a time. The number can be interchanged with others to fit the amount of guys that the girl is with.
I wouldn't try to date her, she's always at least 2 dick needy.

gay as 2 dicks touching

when something is really gay
Those pink trainers are as gay as 2 dicks touching

dog with 2 dicks

A smug man or a man that has a beautifull girlfriend
Since he pulled that model he's like a dog with 2 dicks!

sick like 2 dicks

An amazing acheivement that makes others pale in comparison. Considered to be an even more impressive version of sick. Believed to have been originated by the Frizzaks, a disc golf group that started in central Connecticut.

Getting an ace while playing Disc Golf is sick, but getting an ace when your disc caroms off 2 trees in 40 m.p.h. winds is "sick like 2 dicks".

2 inch dick

A dick that is only 2 inches long which is about this long ===============================

Ezra has a 2 inch dick but he still fucks alot of girls

2 Handed Dick Slam

It is as it sounds: a Man (yes, capitalized for this instance as only a true Man can pull off this maneuver) unzips his pants and takes his dick in both hands and slams it down on the table to prove his point. This is only to be used in circumstances where without slamming the cock on the table, the story, argument, etc. would be laughed off otherwise.
At a sales presentation:

"...and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should invest in my company."

"But it makes no sense!"
(audience grumbles and discontent grows)

"Well maybe this will make my point better"
(presenter drops trou and performs the 2 Handed Dick Slam)

Audience applauds and the Man goes on to riches and fame.

Super Saiyan Dick 2

Super Saiyan Dick: A dick that gets larger and larger at a rate proportional to how much the wielder is aroused. It is a dangerous tool that can end in the mutually destructive act of ramming.
Super Saiyan Dick 2: A dick that gets larger and larger at a rate proportional to how much the wielder is aroused. It is a dangerous tool that can end in the mutually destructive act of ramming. Which each thrust the amount of sperm increases.

"It looks like Rachel is having trouble walking.
"Yeah. I heard she took some super saiyan dick last night. I'm surprised she's still moving"

"She said she could take super saiyan dick, but I almost split her in half."

"I shouldn't have done it with her. She wasn't enough to handle super saiyan dick 2."




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