Hadjer originated from Spain and France and is a beautiful name in the countries it originates. The name means to hold dear and close as you should. Hadjer is beautiful and has a fun personality
Omg look at Hadjer over there she’s minding her own business!
Hadjer is a tamazight name found in Morocco, Northern Algeria. This name is found mostly in the Mediterranean region coming from the language it is spoken from. The name Hajar is usually confused with this name, as hajar is an Arabic name/Egyptian.
Ijju: should we join Hadjer pick the tomatish on the farm
Fourou: I think she’s got it on her own
Fourou: I think she’s got it on her own
Hadjer is a name originated from Africa and used all over the continent; mostly found in Algeria, Niger, Mali etc
Hadjer is booking a trip to South Africa to sight see the magnificent lions and elephants.
Hadjer ist einfach tam fett und hässlich
Hadjer geht zu mcdonaldssss yes