A beautiful and amazing person who is good at keeping calm in bad situations. Hadyas are often very nice and caring.
“Omg you are so pretty, Is your name Hadya.”
Hadya is one of the most beautiful person you will ever met.she is a type that doesn’t care if someone talked about her.she is so nice but don’t get on her bad side.she is funny,stunning,goarges,sexy,beautiful, girl who will make you feel loved.she is so sweet and so rare.she makes people laugh smile every time.if she is your wife or girlfriend your so lucky to have her because she will shower you with love and she will always be there to support you and she has everything a boy ask for she will mean the world to you and you should never ever ever let her go because ones she is gone you will never find someone like her again but if you are a friend with hadya she is the best of them all funny,nice,smart, beautiful,and gives the best advice she will be honest with you and will never talk behind only if it’s important.she is sexiest and insanely beautiful
He is lucky he have hadya if I was him I will never leave her
Uncool af
Never speak to a hadya