

俚语 annemijn


Annemijn is an amazing woman who you must befriend. Annemijn knows what she wants, will do everything to get it, and doesn't let anyone get in her way. One day Annemijn will rule the world so whatever you do never get on her bad side. Annemijn is extremely dangerous when angered but an amazing friend. You already know she will fight for you and she will be there when you need her.

Make sure to get on her good side now so that you may prosper once the new world order is in place.
So when is Annemijn's coronation again?


A girl who would sell her little brother so that one direction would get back together
She is a nice girl though
Annemijn we get it you like carrots, but louis tomlinson is twice your age!


Annemijn is nice girl
" wow Annemijn is very nice"


Weird arse b1tch
1. You’re such an Annemijn

2. Ahwee thankss

1. It wasn’t a compliment you wh0re

Dirty Annemijn

When you put mayonnaise on a laptop and shove it up someone's pussy until the mayonnaise is used as a replacement cum for lesbians. And then you lick it out. After a month you take it out for some goopy, gone-off mayonnaise.
Girl 1 - "Hey, I like you a lot. Wanna do a Dirty Annemijn?"
Girl 2- "Sure, as long as we have fresh mayonnaise."




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