

俚语 hairpies


A vagina, pussy, box, cunt, snatch, etc...
That chicks hairpie is loose as hell!


see furburger


Usually referring to a male, an exaggerated, full and bushy or tangly hairstyle.
In the movie PLATOON, when Charlie Sheen had his helmet off, his do was a high hairpie.


1.) a hot chick. When you are with your friends and you see a hot chick, you say, yell, whisper (whatever the situation) 'hairpie' to get your friends attention. They will then give their approval or disapproval of your observation with a nay or yay.
Two dudes walking in the store...........

Dude #1: What did you do last night?

Dude #2: I cranked it to some new skeeze. Pretty good stuff. Hey have you ever,(hot chick walks by, dude stops in mid-conversation), Hairpie!

Dude #1: Definitely a Hairpie.

hairpie crisis

When, after giving oral sex to a woman with a hairy vagina, the dude has a few pubic hairs stuck in his teeth.
I had a job interview that I thought went great. I did not get the job and when I got to my car I looked at my face in the rear view mirror and saw a bunch of pubic hairs in my teeth. I realized this is why i failed in my interview. After giving Sophia head before my interview I forgot to check my mouth and floss. This fucking hairpie crisis caused me to blow my interview!

Hairpie Hugger

A jock-strap like device worn by women to prevent their excess vagina skin from sagging and hanging out of their shorts or skirts.

(WARNING!: A Hairpie Hugger is not to be worn with thong due to recorded side effects of possible braintooth, iphone malaise, finger grumblage and minor heart explosions.)
"Hey....I couldn't help but notice your vagina is hanging out."

"Oh shit! I forgot to wear my Hairpie Hugger."


When a guy or girl cums in your hair.
Person 1:what’s the white stuff in your hair?
Person 2:it’s cum from my boyfriend last night he gave me a hairpie




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