

俚语 half a chicken

Half a chicken

Half an ounce of cocaine
Hey, tony you got a half a chicken? I'm lookin to be cookin tonight

Half eaten chicken nugget

Short , egoistic , muscled guys with 10% active part of the brain
He’s looks like a half eaten chicken nugget

giant half chicken half squirrel

The giant half chicken half squirrel steals either teeth or money from children as they sleep in order to build some kind of giant nest for its' genetically superior and potentially dangerous offspring.
It is also known that this creature would also have atleast a mild understanding of algebra.
The half chicken half squirrel would most likely be about three to four and a half feet tall.
His large beak is probably detachable and works as a floatation device.
chicken, squirrel

Half Slab, Combo Chicken Breast

Occurs during sexual intercourse, when the male's penis is at its apex of stiffness, length and girth and as far as it can go into the female's vagina, the male then sticks his finger into the female's asshole. Hence, The Half Slab, Combo Chicken Breast.
Male - Whispers in the female's ear "That's the Full Slab" And sticks his finger into her asshole.

Female - Replies in reaction to the gesture. "No, that's the Half Slab, Combo Chicken Breast."

giant half chicken half squirrel

yes the terrorist attempt was undertaken by a "GIANT HALF CHICKEN HALF SQUIRREL"




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