

俚语 half-sender

Half Sender

Someone who is unable to fully send because they are a pussy
Back away from that nigga Jerry thats Chilly he's a half sender unlike us chads who are always on full send

Half Sender

Someone who does not commit to a full send for the boys and are generally pussies when it comes to some savage shit.
Don't trust that nigga eddy, he's a fucking half sender.

Half Sender

A half sender is mostly known as somebody who does not full send

Examples of half senders Luis "Nacho" Saldaña he is the leader of the half senders

Nacho has been half sending for all his life

he started the movement half senders after he failed at full sending
Nacho is a good Half Sender

Half Sender

Someone who is obviously not a full sender, they’re not down to do crazy shit. Overall they’re lame and no fun to be around hence being called half senders.
Bob: Man that guy Hung is such a half sender

David: I know he’s never down to do anything

Tom: Yeah, Hung the Mung is definitely a half sender!

Half Sender

J-potato is a fucking half sender. Kid spilled half of every Corona before drinking it.

Half Sender

A kid that doesn’t send. Usually named Nolan
That kid isn’t having any fun… what a half sender.

Half Sender

Also known as “Ella” the biggest half sender who has ever lived. She only half sends and never full sends for the boys
Wow, Ella is such a half sender




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:40:03