

俚语 halldór


Halldór is an Icelandic name which means "The stone of Thor".
Halldór Laxness was an Icelandic writer and winner of the 1955 Nobel Prize in Literature.


Halldór is an Icelandic name and is often used to describe an asshole. In Icelandic history the villain is often called Halldór. In World War II the majority of Icelandic Hitlers supporters where named Halldórs.
Bob is dead we clearly have a Halldór among us.


Halldór is probably that one really funny and extremely ordinary weird guy u remeber from high school. He drives around in a special, green car that reminds you of kidnappers which is not so unusual because Halldór’s middle name is pedophile. Therefore he always carries shitload of candy in his pockets, especially something that makes children produce metan because Halldór doesn’t believe in global warming. Halldór is like a tasty carrot, fresh and breezeful on the inside but ginger on the outside!
Cry if someone calls you Halldór because its like ur being defined as a person with dólgur.


Halldór is sa skinny noodle who like to watch kinky busty gilf and fuck his sisters

Halldór And Ísak

Halldór and Ísak are a rare bread in Iceland known for they’re Really Really small Dicks
Person 1: wait wait wait..

Person 2: wh-
Person 1: Ssssshh
Person 1: “whispers” Those are Halldór and Ísak

Person 2: Screams “OH MY GOD”

‘Halldór and Ísak runs off’
Person 1: Are you Stupid

Halldór snær/ dóri DNA

dóri DNA has a weird blood disease which makes it easy to compare him to the known Icelandic celebrity dóri DNA. When he walks in with his striped head he glows with his head and pure Christianity which is weird because his political views are almost fascist. But sometimes you can't see him because girls and boys surround him and hale him.
girls: own me
Halldór snær/ dóri DNA: hush hush little girl just join the others in my basement




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