

俚语 halve


the most headass bitch ass fuck to ever exist. she also constantly makes good jokes and is very clingy. she has a very loud laugh.
“my god, you’re such a goddamn halve”


To split the cost of something.
"Wanna go halves on a dubsack?"
"Wanna go halves on a pie?(pizza)"
"Wanna go halves on a carton?"
"Wanna go halves on an eightball?"
"Wanna go halves on an ounce?"
"Wanna go halves on your girl? I get anal this time bitch, and I'm not using a condom."


To share in the responsibility for. For instance, the cost of a purchase, or the care of an thing of value, such as a relationship.
We both need to get to Tahoe. If we ride together, we can go halves on the gas.

Sweetheart, it's time we made it official: let's go halves on life.


To split the cost of something, usually a bag of drugs.
Who got halves on a sack of yak?


a person with large or huge biceps and sells tickets to the gun show. this person usually is a pimp!
My friend is such a halv. He just gave me free tickets to his gun show.

Halve It

An expresion used by an individual when someone's bullshiting a story to them..

*Used when you want someone to get to the point quickly
Guy 1:Oi man, last night i was walking back from the club when this smoking hot bab...
Guy 2: yeah mate, halve it

Halves on a Bastard

Two unmarried people having sex which in the outcome produces a child.
Hey wuz up my sizzle wanna go halves on a bastard?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:39:16