Hamish Lucas Nicholas
3 dudes who sit on my table in English.
One of them is attracted to microwaves.
The other two are microwaves.
Please send help
One of them is attracted to microwaves.
The other two are microwaves.
Please send help
Philosopher-Hamish: if you jump off the empire state building with a parachute, you’ll be falling for a few minutes. But if you jump off without a parachute, then you’ll be falling for the rest of your life.
Processor-Hannah.exe has stopped working
Observer-Lucas: Hannah’s last brain cells have D I S I N T E G R A T E D.
Thinker-Nicholas: Hannah had brain cells?
Hamish Lucas Nicholas
Processor-Hannah.exe has stopped working
Observer-Lucas: Hannah’s last brain cells have D I S I N T E G R A T E D.
Thinker-Nicholas: Hannah had brain cells?
Hamish Lucas Nicholas