

俚语 ham sandwich

ham sandwich

slang in police lexicon, meaning an untainted handgun a corrupt cop will have ready to plant on a suspect they've shot. Prevalent in New Orleans culture, during the militant state in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. (seen on PBS' Frontline)
My partner used to carry around a ham sandwich to pin on some poor fucker they might shoot down.

ham sandwich

dark liquor shot ( the bread)
light liquor shot (the ham)
dark liquor shot ( the bread)

they are taken dark light dark conescutively and after the participant finishes all three shots they throw their arms in the air and yell "HAMMMMM SANDWICH"

they then need to convince somebody else to do a ham sandwich to pass on the title.

"What's that mean"
"it's a drink, now you have to do it for questioning" *pours drinks and makes person drink them*

ham sandwich

'Hood term for a Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham, with 'Ham' being taken from the word Brougham.
"...Back in the day I tossed hoes in the back of my ham sandwich." -Mac Dre

ham sandwich

refers to a comment by:
Former Chief Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals* Sol Wachtler in 1985**
about the overreaching ability of District/State's Attorneys to achieve indictments before Grand Juries.
*In New York State, the Supreme Court is the lowest, the Appellate Division is next, and the Court of Appeals is the highest.
**seven years after, he was indicted for sexual harassment and stalking... but I digress
"Even a modestly competent district attorney can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich."

ham sandwich

a groupie.
The band had a couple of ham sandwiches after the show.

ham sandwich

an over weight sloppy girl that has lost all self respect for themselves thus making them also a slut willing to have sex with any and everyone.
Olivia is such a ham sandwich

ham sandwich

Wonder bread, Miracle Whip, american cheese and, of course, ham. The favorite food of the Hobo.
Willy was on it like a hobo on a ham sandwich.





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