

俚语 hamsters


small furry thing that dances.
the hamster danced all night.


A species of rodent soon to inherit the earth after our demise
I saw a hamster plotting my death yesterday


Adjective: Without overarching purpose or point, like a hamster running in a wheel.
My life is feeling really hamster these days.
My job is so hamster, I hate it!
I like him, but his outlook on life seems sort of hamster.


Adorable little rodents that run around your house and poop everywhere.
"My hamster could kick your hamsters glutious-maximus!"


1.) Verb, HAM-STUR, to hamster, in order to survive one will eat its young. To hamster is to eat your offspring.
2.) Noun, HAM-STUR, (See ninja) A cute little animal known for its sudden violent reactions to little children holding it. Hamsters have been known to kill at any impulse, even if there is no need for eminent death of the child.
1.) The other day, I got a little rumble n my tummy, and so I decided to go hamster on my children.
2.) The hamster ate the nine year old's whole birthday party because someone dropped a spoon.


The squirrels' cohorts in world domination.
They're trying to take over the fuckin' world, I tell ya, I swear to God...


cute fuzzy rodent




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