

俚语 handicrapped


When you sit on the toilet for way to long and your legs fall asleep, making it difficult to walk for a short period of time.
"I almost fell over after that hour long deuce drop, I was officially handicrapped."


Adj - Having bowel issues so severe that they interfere with your normal life functions at the moment.
"I want to go out with my friends tonight, but I can't leave the toilet because I'm having severe diarrhea. I'm officially handicrapped.


When you have to shit so bad, you can't move
Dude, Bruce just had a super stuffed burrito from chipotle and now he's handicrapped


To take a crap in the handicapped stall
I just went to that bathroom at McDonalds and handicrapped.


Handicrapping is when you use the handicap stall instead of the tiny regular one.
I used the handicap stall to take dump. Why would I use that claustrophobic little space when I could go handicrapping.


The act of pushing the handicap exit button to slowly open a public restroom door, ensuring the door pauses at its widest, while someone is taking a crap in a stall.
I just handicrapped John from HR as he dropped a steamer, at least three people walked by before the door closed.


1. Using your disability to gain favor.

2. Shitting yourself due to your disability.
1. Don’t come at me with your handicrap.

2. Uh-oh, I think I’m about to handicrap myself.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:28:16