

俚语 anonitis


The disease that is carried via anons in a chat. Touching or being touched by anon will almost certainly give you anonitis.
anon1: *touches you*
Person1: EWWW. I have anonitis! ='(
Person2: *runs from anon and Person1*
Person3: Anonitis? LANMAO.

anone anone

"Listen! Listen! " or "hear hear" in Japanese. Used by some platelet fans or worse....
No one:

Platelets: anone anone~


It mean anonymous
Please don't DM me anon


our anon, which art on /b/
hallowed be thy name
thy *chans come:
thy will be done,
on das internets as it is on /b/.
give us this day our daily meme,
and forgive us our trolling,
as we forgive those who troll against us.
and lead us not into cp;
but deliver us from newfaggotry.
for thine is thy 4chan,
the irony, and the stupidity,
for ever and ever.


a of anon

Short for asshole of anonymous.

It is derogatory term used within the anonymous community to denote somebody who is an asshole.
Andy is A of Anon.


(1) Anon. : Abbreviation of the word anonymous.
(2) anon : Archaic english word meaning 'soon, presently'.
(3) anon : Archaic english word meaning 'later, after a while,' contradicting (2).
(4) Anon : A registered member of The Sect of Homokaasu and participator in The Kill Everyone Project (TKEP).
(1) "As their number dwindled down from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect Hungry." -- Anon.

(2) "Come, anon!"

(3) See (2)

(4) "Anon's click is the biggest, much bigger than jaraxle's."

a of anon

Short for asshole of anonymous.

It is derogatory term used within the anonymous community to denote somebody who is an asshole.
Andy is A of Anon.




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