

俚语 happy flaps

Happy Flap

Autism term that refers to the hand flapping that is done when happy or excited
I was so happy that a new season of my show was coming on that I started happy flapping.
Sarah's favorite song makes her happy flap.
Jim happy flapped when he found out he was going to Disney World.

Happy Flaps

A bikini burger, a vertical bacon sandwich
I tell you, she was so up for a porking her happy flaps were dripping with fanny batter, opened up like a wizard's sleeve revealing a gash as smooth and slick as an inside-out dolphin!

happy flapping

the act of putting ones head, _entirely_ within a lady's box
your flaps make me happy, but I'd be happier stills is a could go happy flapping in your happy flaps.

Happy Flaps

A particularly lippy vagina.
Dude, i could have wrapped that chicks happy flaps around my ears last night.

Why don't you go play with your grandmothers happy flaps.

flap happy

A person that loves having their face stuck up in a girl's meat curtains.
Duder 1: "So how was it with that asian girl last night?"

Duder 2: "Oh dude she had the stretchiest meat curtains I've ever seen. My face was all up in there for like an hour. I was so flap happy."

Duder 1: "You one sick mother, doggy."

Happy Flaps

That rippling feeling you get when your partner farts on your freshly-shaven ballsack
“He’ll be getting happy flaps tonight after that Jerusalem Artichoke soup!”




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