

俚语 hard ass's


One who simply takes no shit off anyone. It is a status equivalent of gods.
Me- "Oh god, you just got punched in the face by your own father Travis..."

Travis- "Yah Chase, I know."

Me- "Your dad's a real hard-ass."

Travis's Dad- "Fuck off."

Hard ass

A individual that is very straightforward and serious, and rarely jokes around. Typically used to describe your boss.
Bob: Lets go race each other in golf carts!
Me: Awesome lets go.
Boss: Where the hell you think your going boy, get back to work!
Me: Hard ass....

hard ass

When a person is up tight about stuff and is alway on task, doesnt try to have fun.
Mike Shannon is a hard ass

Hard Ass

like a bad ass although they dont take crap from anyone
"some one calls ur a stupid fucker"

"u say shut the fuck up bitch"
u would be a hard ass

Hard Ass

One who takes on a burden or difficult task in order to seem capable or brave.
Mr. hard ass said that he'd carry the heavy shit!

Hard Ass

A person who does somthing incredibly brave and stupid at the same time. one who does an act that shock and awes people into having to say "hardass right there"
"you set your naked self on fire for 2 minutes? Hard ass right here"

Hard Ass

Sticking up for yourself because no one else will.
That girl Jenn? She won't take shit from ANYONE. She's a total hard ass.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:47:29