

俚语 hard-scoping

Hard Scoping

A term used by sweaty modern warfare kids to make them feel better about them selves
That Guy Was Hard scoping!
(even though thats how snipers are used)


A term used to describe an FPS player (particularly COD) who uses a sniper rifle by aiming down the scope for more than one second. It is often frowned upon by plenty of people in the COD player base due to the more popular but not necessarily effective tactic of quick-scoping and because of how unstylish COD players seem to look at is as. This term is described to be unjust by other players because that is how the all FPS games intend for sniper rifles to be used.

Player: Then what's the point of using a sniper rifle then?

hard scoping

When you use a sniper rifle like it should be used and actually aim using the sights. Seen to be inferior to its counter-part Quick Scoping as the shot isn't determined by luck or a glitch in the game.

Also the only real method of sniping in reality.
CoD Addict: D00d! WTF!? Hard scoping n00b!
Hard Scoper: The sights are there for a reason, why don't you try quickscoping in real life.

hard scope

something that a sniper rifle was meant to do
"noob" that noob just hard scoped me he even held his breathe.
"non-noob player" thats what snipers are meant for.

noob" *pissed at real player* well ur a noob too

hard scope

also known as hardscope.
"This term is applied when playing first-person shooter video games, such as Halo, Call of Duty, or another top selling video game title, more specifically Call of Duty.

When someone is using a sniper rifle, and takes longer than approximately 1 second looking down the scope.

A more extreme example is when watching a kill-cam, the player is scoped in from beginning to end, or the player is looking through the scope for the majority or the kill cam.

Antonym: Quickscope"

i didnt make this, im just clearing this for those who typed it in wrong.(:
Player A: "Guys, check out this nice headshot i got for the game winning kill!"

Player B: "Wow that shot wasn't impressive at all, you hard scoped the shit out of that kid."

Player C: "Dude, you're such a noob."

hard scope

a term coined in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, referring to when a player using a sniper rifle aims in at an enemy combatant, holds his or her breath, and pulls the trigger in one fluid motion. also not to be confused with a quick scope
noob:dude, did you just see that crazy quick scope!?
seasoned gamer: shut up, noob, that was a hard scope.

hard scope

a term coined in Call of Duty, referring to when a player using a sniper rifle aims in at an enemy combatant, holds his or her breath, and pulls the trigger in one fluid motion. also not to be confused with a quick scope
noob:dude, did you just see that crazy quick scope!?
seasoned gamer: shut up, noob, that was a hard scope.




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