

俚语 hardy-har-har

hardy har har

When something is funny, but is directed at you as a insult.
Shrug it off by saying hardy har har
1- this test was easy
2- just like your mom
1- hardy har har

hardy har har

sarcastic laughter; when a cheesy joke is made you respond with this to show that that joke wasn't funny at all. See badum tish
Person 1: "I went to a seafood disco last week...and pulled a mussel."
Person 2: "Hardy har har."

hardy har har

laughing with words; a subsitute for "haha"; when you want to laugh but can't so you say hardy har har
A:why did the chicken cross the road?
to get to the other side
B:hardy har har

hardy har har

An ecstatic agreement with ones thoughts or actions, usually in a pirate-like manner.
" It's off to the plank for ol' Captin Tickel Foot!"
hardy har har!


When you become very angry with someone instead of fighting or throwing verbal abuse you simply pull down your pants and thrust your ass at the person who made you angry and Grip each butt cheek and pull them back and forth while screaming at the top of your lungs Hardy-har-har!
(in the office)

Timmy: John your such a little bitch I told you to file those reports last night!

John:(Johns face growing very red and he pull down his pants vicously grabs his ass cheeks and pulls back and forth) Hardy-har-har Hardy-Har-Har !

Hardy Har Har Har

Loads of Laughter
"Hardy Har Har Har", I just ate your cookies!

hardy fucking har har

A very very sarcastic laugh that surpasses "har har har" by miles on the sarcasm level.
Guy1: dude.. you really had a chance with that girl.. if only you'd left the fanny pack home.

Guy2: hardy fucking har har

har har har hardy har har




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