

俚语 anouked


when you have a girlfriend but a cute french girl is getting at you
Person 1: "bro I got anouked last night, AND MY GF WAS THERE"
Person2: "damn bro that must've been brutal"


A crazy cow. She is so freaking cute and have the most gorgeous laugh. She is the perfect personality mixture and is drop dead gorgeous inside and out. She is extremely intelligent, all the boys throuf over her. She has such a vibrant energy that lightens up everyone and such an optimist. She is a beautiful earth angle and is just the fucking cutest girl eva and I'm so luck to have her in my life.
girl: anouk has the cutest laugh
boy: yeah her laugh makes me so horny cause its the cutest thing eva


a giggle pot
anouk like to giggle a lot


the hottest girl in the world
anouk is so hot i wish i could get with her


Anouk has a french or belgium origin. Also means ice bear.

It is usually a girl with soft, clean skin and a kind, pure personality.
She finds it difficult to fall in love with people and has a hard time trusting them. Usually a very introverted person.

Can be successful if she dares to come out of her comfort zone.
Guy: Bro, My girlfriend is super sweet and caring.
Friend: Man, she seems like a total Anouk. Bro you lucky.
Guy: thanks fam.


- Also known as henry
- Nice
- A bit gay
- big booty
“Anouk’s mum is really nice”


it's the most beautiful and kind person in this whole world. she is extremely cute and funny and likes to talk about things. she will always be there for you, even when she is very busy. she is very polite and has an optimistic aura. everywhere she goes she spreads good vibes :) she loves music and art and books, and walking with friends
Hey, why are you so happy?
Oh, I just met Anouk :)




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:00:36