The round, green, basketball sized robot in Mobile Suit Gundam created by Amuro Ray. Capable of hovering, and memorizing some simple phrases (like a parrot). Haro's material is unknown, but is able to withstand a bullet, gaining only a small scratch.
"Haro Genki!"
meaning HELLO or SUP.
Haro friend!
The word "Hello" pronounced by an Asian man or woman due to very thick accents. Is very hilarious when heard. Asians pronounce an "L" like an "R".
Asian Man - Haro there wourd you rike some rice?
- Dude! Whatever you said, its hilarious!
- Dude! Whatever you said, its hilarious!
A Haro is a guy like no other. He's the kind of guy to keep a girl happy, forever. Girls will always talk about him, always be on girls mind. He's cute and a good kisser. Usually found in California (Olivehurst) he's amazing at soccer.
His last name is Haro
The most well made bikes currently being produced. Despite popular belief, the bikes produced by haro are not crappily made. The bikes can sometimes cost more than the average bike, yet pay for themselves with high quality parts like three peice cranks and Alex Triple Wall rims. People like to think that posers ride these bikes, but it is only the highly skilled riders who need a costly and well made bike such as the Haro Backtrail series, or the Haro F series (I am 14 and I am an owner of both, I got mad skills!)
Highly Skilled rider#1: Dude, my Haro F3 will never break!
Highly Skilled rider#2: Dude, I know my backtrail X1 has perfect frame geometry for the trails man.
Highly Skilled rider#2: Dude, I know my backtrail X1 has perfect frame geometry for the trails man.
Highly overrated bmx bicycles.
"Hey I bought a Haro, it's awesome!"
-2 weeks later-
"My haro fell apart and broke! What were the chances?"
-2 weeks later-
"My haro fell apart and broke! What were the chances?"
1.An ok company for parts but make shit frames, generally overpriced.
2. Often posers buy them.
2. Often posers buy them.
1. The haro backtrail x2 is $400-$500 and only has one chromoly tube.
2. People that can't ride buy haros.
Get one of the following instead:
freeagent, redline, mosh, diamondback, fbm, macneil, wethepeople (if you have $1000), hoffman ordk.
2. People that can't ride buy haros.
Get one of the following instead:
freeagent, redline, mosh, diamondback, fbm, macneil, wethepeople (if you have $1000), hoffman ordk.