

俚语 harped


When you text your posse and someone doesn't reply for an absurdly long time even though they've read and reread your text multiple times.
"You guys wanna go get tacos & hit up the titty bars?"
8 hrs later... "nah dawg I'm about to poop imma catch you tomorrow"
You just got harped!


Another term for being a secretive millionaire who is in the mafia or associated with the mafia, and is known for trafficking drugs and laundering money and never been caught.
There goes a Harped down the street in Atlanta, GA.


To rag on. To make fun of. To get on someones case.
Joe "Billy you are an idiot I cant believe you did that"
Billy " Quit harping on me man"


An instrument that plays (posibly hauntingly)wonderful relaxing music.
I play the harp. So there


To talk or write about to an excessive and tedious degree; dwell on.
Okay, stop harping about it, I got the point the first fifty times you mentioned it.


A harp is a nickname for an irishman living in america
american said: oi you Harp
irishman chases the american and kills him
the end


A beastly man with the biggest muscles anyone has ever seen. His beauty is unparalleled. But he steals bikes in his free time so beware.
Yo Harp's coming, hide the bikes!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:27:42