

俚语 harrison


A person who is very friendly at times but can be easily annoyed but is also easily pleased. A ladies’ man who prefers to be in serious relationships and loves hugs and romantic moments. Tends to adore music and ALWAYS talks about it or sings it and the girl that goes out with him is just about the cutest girl you’ll meet.
Wait, is that Harrison? Ha, not surprised she’s with him, he’s adorable!


Harrison: a badass black dude from the streets of New York.
Subway Rider 1: Who's that guy that just got on the train? All the riders parted like Moses parting the Red Sea. Dude gets respect.

Subway Rider 2: On the streets he's known as Harrison.


The most amazing boy you'll ever meet, kind to everyone, hottest looking guy you've ever seen, best style ever, makes your heart sink every time you look at him, always makes you happy no matter what state your in, gives you butterflies every time you see him, can always put a smile on your face.
have you ever met harrison? well you should because he's the most amazing person you'll ever meet.


A fighting Messiah whose capabilities and ultra-human strength exceed those of any being, human or non human in nature. Harrison’s true identity and age is unknown though he takes on the form of a teenage male with blonde hair. He spends his time traversing planet earth, spending the majority of his time winning at everything. Outside of his supernatural physical abilities he also has the ability to control various elements with his mind. He can change the weather in his present environment and change migration patterns of animals by will. After voluntarily offering himself for medical research in 2001 it was discovered that he is capable of using 100% of his brain’s function and over 85% of his bodies muscle fibres. He is capable of re-generating after attaining wounds. He has fought against a number of menacing opponents such as Charizard, Alien, Predator, Neo from the Matrix, those capable of using the Buddhist Palm technique, Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, all of whom have been mercilessly beaten.
Friend: Holy shit! I think I just saw Harrison!

Other friend: No way! What was he doing?

Friend: Winning! At everything!

Other friend: That sounds like Harrison


Harry's son
Harry's son is Harrison


To be extremely suave and or charming, often resulting in an exchange of phone numbers followed by repeated fornication. One who Harrisons women is often compared to Alfie, the famous british womanizer.
See that guy with all those girls? Damn they just got Harrisoned.


To Be sexy,and awesome. One who likes to flirt, or likes to have hugs. Also likes chickens. One who is hungry most of his/her time.
Damn, now that's a Harrison.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:02:31