

俚语 harshin


The king of the north. Also commonly known as a smart person or a genius. Means a very smart person.
He is a harshin.


A sexy beast
OH No! Its a HArshin

harshin' on

saying negative things to or about someone; see talkin' smack
"Dude, why you always harshin' on me?"


A f*king b*tch that doesn’t know how to do anything but to laze around like a god damn pig all day and eats a heck ton and talks a lot of shit
“ Have u seen that harshin over there ? , shes kinda weird man”

harshin my hype

when an individual is bringing down the pumped up mood of a group or person
Person 1 - "Hey, turn that music down"
Person 2 - "Why you harshin my hype bro?"

Harshin on my mellow

The act of one being pompous, bitchy, harsh, or unreasonable while the target individual is in a good mood and mellowed out (in most cases the usage of herb is involved).
"Bro stop harshin on my mellow"

"Oh my god mom stop harshin on my mellow"

"That bitch totally just harshed on his mellow"

"Wow they really harshed on his mellow"




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