

俚语 harshmaned


someone who changes their mind constantly and has a lust towards Asian women.
shit harshman make up your mind


Man who can eat epic proportions
Waitress: you have any idea how much food you just ordered?

Man: For most people that would be much, but I am Harshman, thats something you can only read about.


building up the courage to pity fuck a fat bitch and then she boots you and ghosts you. your intentions were to smash and dash because you felt bad for her although you were blindsided/T-Boned/bushwhacked, because she kicked you out and never spoke to you again. really shatters your self esteem and you are now to scared to ever pity fuck a fat bitch again.
Jay: AHHHH, i’ve been harshmaned

Reyde: that’s to bad bro you shouldn’t have tried to give back to the community like that.

Jay: I’ll never pity fuck a fat bitch again after being booted by chelsea




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:00:15