

俚语 harvard's


A strict university that rejects the following people,

-People who live in the West
-People who live in the East
-People who live in the North

-People who live in the South
-People who prefer Apple
-People who prefer Android
-People who are liberal
-People who are conservative
-People who are totalitarian
-People who are anarchist
-People who use the internet
-People who don’t use the internet
-People who drink coke

-People who drink water
-People who drink juice
-People who drink alcoholics
-People who have been to a previous university
-People who have not been to a previous university
-People who breathe
Hey I got accepted into Harvard!

Ok alien!

Wait wha-


A bunch of stuck up legacies and jocks deceiving the world into believing they've actually earned the right to have CEO titles and seven figure salaries to do nothing
Chad Thundercock Sr, donated 10 million to Harvard for a new building to get Chad Jr a place so he can be a do nothing CEO and fuck a lot of hot bimbos


All I know is that if you put this word on your resume, the HR person will get on their knees and suck your dick.
Go to Harvard, son, if you can. It's the door to opportunity, and employers will perform fellatio on you just to hire your magnificent brain.


See "Grade Inflation" Grade Inflation
"Dude, you got an A, too?"

"Yeah, duh, we go to Hahvahd!"


A well-known mental health facility located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Harvard -- Where only 10% of residents seriously consider suicide a year!


Another word for Entitled, Rich, and Overrated
Woke: Damn! Harvard university is too damn expensive!
Broke: And it's useless too. I've been there, and I wish I hadn't. I'm millions in debt, and I really want you to kill me
Woke: Understandable *Shoots Broke*


One of the oldest universities in the United States - based in Cambridge/Boston, MA. Harvard is famous for having taught many prominent Americans, and is often considered to be the best, or one of the best, universities in the country.

Often criticized for its elitism, extreme focus on career vs. personal life, old-fashioned/strict approach to education, and creation of large, obnoxious egos. A great school with flaws.
The top student from my school was the only one who got into Harvard.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:09:07