

俚语 harvest festival

Harvest Festivals

Term used to describe the huge underwear worn by bigger women, so called because all of God's bounty is gathered within.
"I was gonna wear a thong on my date, but it was cold out so I decided on my Harvest Festivals instead

Harvest Festival

To administer a monkeyface to ones self.
"I'd been waiting for aages, been very patient - finally I was able to go home and perform a harvest festival upon my person. Which was nice."

Harvest Moon Festival

When a top has sex with as many asses as possible in a night.
William went to the Harvest Moon Festival last night. He was pounding ass after ass all night long.

Harvest Moon festival

When a power top has sex with as many different asses as possible.
William was on a Harvest Moon festival last night, he was pounding ass all night long.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:54:57