

俚语 hasif


A very warm-hearted person, got that A-level skill of impressing every women with his soft words. Eventhough he got them all wrapped around his fingers, he still have that one person to bare in his mind and never left his eyes on. Sometimes he got lucky, sometimes he dont, but he still managed to chin up and be happy of what he was surrounded with and continue the impressively long adventure of his never ending journey of life.

Person 1: that kid is so likely to be smiling for no reason.
Person 2: of course he would. He's Hasif!


He is the best person in the world but also a scary person in the world. He knows how to light up the conversation. People tend to ask him for advice. He is the type that doesn't know girls like him. Because he really doesn't care with his surrounding. If you like hasif just tell him or ask him. If you don't make like that there no way he will know you like him. Also hasif is the type who always smile and very calm person. He also a genius but he really don't like to study. If he start studying, he probably get highest rank in everything. Hasif also love a girl who opposite his character. I don't why but he does love it. Hasif also a type that doesn't show his wealthiness or his life to other people. If you want to know that kind of thing you should get close to him.

By the way, hasif also can be a scary person. If you make a problem with him. Your life is done. He live mostly like mafia. Relax but cruel. He also have many dark history. If you see a people name hasif who never show his problem or never cried. You should be careful. Because it's probably his heart already be consume by the his dark history

If you want to him become normal. You should meet him when he with his family. He really love his family especially his mom.

#hasif #bestfriend #malaysia #pahang


He is a very boi at sg
Hasif just shit be like him




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:52:49