

俚语 hat party

hat party

A type of orgy party where everyone wears a hat and folks form groups for sex based on interesting hat combinations. When asked, each pair or group must adequately explain the situation behind their fornication.
Did you see Annabelle and Franky at the hat party? I've never seen a squid and a fish do it before. Franky said the squid inked him, so he had to stuff that fish with some raw meat before cooking.

party hats

erect and mighty pointed nipples
Hey it must be cold out because your mom has her party hats on.

Party Hats

What girls call their nipples when they get hard from the cold.
Oh my gosh, it is so cold in here. I am getting Party Hats!

Party hat

1) slang for condom
In the course of one debauchery-filled night with his buds Jason went through about four party hats.

Party hat

A discontinued item in runescape, obtained by pulling a christmas cracker. there a 6 difernt colours : Purple>yellow>green>red>white>blue. they range in prive from 154m(purple) to 450m(blue) and rising.
Noob: zomg i wanna party hat gimma a party hat or il report u to jagux!!
Noob2: no wai nub dis iz my phat

Party Hat

It's a party hat
Person 1: Hey we've got a party today
Person 2: Remember your party hat
Person 1: *~<|:D

Party Hat

A very smart invention to decrease the population and sti's and pregnency. Thank god for trogans, and if you dont like em just get birth control, or aids! :

1)no glove no love
2)don't be silly wrap you willy
3)don't be a fool wrap your tool
4)don't be a ding-dong cover you shling- shlong
5)dont be a wenis protect you penis
6)dont share your sperm over your worm
7)before you spank her cover your wanker
8)If theres gunna be affection cover your erection
9)if your gunna banger cover your wanger
10) There only a buck get one before you fuck
11) Dont be stupid wear a fuckin condom

a 2 dollar insurance for teens who wanna fuck
safe sex!
ali: your going to have to bring the party hats
alex: i dont have any money
ali: well neither do i
alex: just like old times
ali: yeah old times where we were dating
alex: uhh i love you?





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