

俚语 haunty's


Looking absolutely fabulous and ultimately slaying the scene.
Scott: We went to a fitting for Billboard Music Awards and our outfits, HAUNTY!
Mitch: Haunty, Slay, Work!!


A member of the female species who will do anything to get into the passenger seat of a nice looking car.
Ernie: "Hey guys check out that Haunty on the left checking out my car."

Ronan: "Oh yes she is rather haunty."

Chris: "HAUNTY!!!!

Ronan: "That was rather humourous the way you shouted haunty at that damp yoke Chris."


Marajuana, canibis or Hash in resin form as first used by Soro in the early '90s. Also see Honty
"Come on, let's smoke some haunty!"


Word to describe a good-looking Indian Woman that could be of aunty status.

That aunt is an haunty.


it's a blend of auntie and a hag
if your auntie is a cool but evil hag you call her hauntie
aunt Mari can be a real hauntie sometimes


Two or more of female species
Haunty's yeeerrrt

ur aunty haunty

The absolute thing you could say to someone, it is worse than your mom gay, your dad lesbian, your granny tranny, and your grandpap a trap. It causes the receiver of the curse to instantly die.
Guy 1: ur gay
Guy 2: ur mom gay lol
Guy 1: ur dad lesbian
Guy 2: ur granny tranny
Guy 1: ur grandpap a trap
Guy 2: ur aunty haunty
Guy 1: *dies instantly*




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:55:19