

俚语 have the right of it

have the right of it

To be correct in a proposition or opinion.
You have the right of it; Jordan only likes Bryan because he pays for everything.

Having it right off

To have an extraordinarily good time, most commonly involving the consumption of alcohol (after you've had a pint)
- Hey Bobby how's it going? Having a good time?
- Fuck yeah, I'm having it right off mate!
- Slick

have two right feet

Meaning to be violent or walk extremely fast.
Wow you're violent today slow down your walking way too fast what do you have two right feet!?!

You have the right to remain silent

A police expression for: Shut the fuck up!
Guy: Why me? WHY GOD WHY!?
Cop: You have the right to remain silent!

Horny people have rights

I can confirm that horny people do, in fact, have rights.
Person 1: Do horny people have rights?
Person 2: Yes, horny people have rights.

Did you know you have rights?

Seemingly a simple marketing slogan used by all civil and criminal solicitors, this famous line is actually from Breaking Bad season 2 episode 8. It makes a hilarious appearance in Saul Goodman's television advertisement:

"Hi I'm Saul Goodman. Did you know you have rights? Constitution says you do. And so do I."

It is most commonly used amongst members of the unofficial, imaginary, crack-addicted breaking bad community that every zealous Breaking Bad viewer thinks they are uniquely apart of. The phrase is also the reason that many aspiring students have mistakenly entered the legal profession and incompetently represented and let down innocent people to the blood-thirsty prosecutors.
Friend 1: "This Subway is so terrible they never properly wrap my sandwich, it's literally at risk of falling apart."
Friend 2: "Did you know you have rights?"
Friend 1: "Constitution says you do."
Both friends: "And so do I."

*Friend 1 has just been convicted of gross negligence manslaughter after jokingly pushing their best friend down steep stairs and causing their death. They are in court awaiting sentencing by the judge.*
Friend 1: *anxious and regretful* "I didn't mean to. I can't believe I did that man. I-I-I ca-can't bel-"
Friend 2: "Calm down. Calm down! Did you know you have rights!?"
*Judge looks up in confusion*
Friend 1: *wipes tears from eyes and sniffles* "Constitution says you do!"
Judge: *slams gavel* "Order please!"
Both friends together: "AND SO DO I!"

Having so much fun right now

When you are just laughing with friends and one of them say “we are having so much fun right now” even tho your not really.

Friend: we are having so much fun right now




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