

俚语 [having text]

[having text]

1. The beginning stage of a relationship when you spend countless hours sending text messages back and forth.

2. Flirtatious text messaging
I swear I'm going to get carpal tunnel in my thumbs from "having text" all night, when in fact it should be my hamstrings that hurt.

I have to text my pig

A modern version of "I have to wash my hair" or "I have to sort my sock drawer"; an obvious excuse and serious blow off that can be employed when standing in front of the person asking you to do something you don't want to do.
Girl: So we're going to Bar 123 after this; do you want to come with us?
Guy: Aw, I would but I have to text my pig.

You have one new text message

You have one new text message. High five
You have one new text message. High five




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