

俚语 antering


replacing the first letter of banter with the first or second letter(s) from the type of banter it is.
Types of b-anter:

fanter = football banter
santer = sexual banter
shanter = shit banter
ranter = racial banter
ganter = gay banter
hanter = holiday banter

the list is endless


Internet message board and forum style. It's followers are distinguishable from the more common 'banter' brigade by virtue of the fact that their ramblings are far more intelligent, if forthrightly expressed, on a whole host of subjects: normally rubbish ones. Text speak is strictly outlawed, as is being generally stupid. It's the hyphen that does it; and it works for all manner of things. E.G. What shall we have for d-inner tonight? I've just f-arted. etc.
B-anter was great last night wasn't it?

Did you see those numpties on banter? Give me b-anter any day.


A term created by some to allow them to go beyound the realms of decent behaviour, and indulge in racist and sexist messages, all in the name of b-anter.
"Man, thats racist you idiot"
"Chill, its only b-anter"


A large crowd, or group or people swarming one area.
Lots of people are Antering the store.




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