

俚语 hdis


HDI stands for the Human Development Index. It measures the standard of living in countries by taking into consideration the education level, life expectancy and GDP per capita PPP of the country in average. It was a measure created by a Pakistani Politician in 1990. It scales from 0 to 1 with 0 being least developed and 1 being the most.
James: Niger has the lowest HDI in the world at 0.354
Andrew: How racists

James: Stop confusing this countrie’s name for a racial slur ur dee racist?!?!
Andrew: So Niger is the most underdeveloped and crappy nation on earth
Mary Jane: Why is Africa, particularly Niger so backwards
James: Because of Low education level, poor ness and how short life they live, babies die a lot there
Mary Jane: Wow so much knowledge into why Niger so underdeveloped


Homo definitely intended
opposite of no homo, usually just joking
*Slaps guys butt* HDI bro


The Next and best of Halo
Oh my gosh watch out HDI is getting online


Homie Dat I’d Smash. Guy-friend/Girl-friend that you find attractive and would sleep with.
“Yeah bro, we’re great friends but I’d love to sleep with her, she’s a hdis”


acronym for the term "head down in shame"

often used to express the disappointment/ignorance displayed by another person
1. boy: ey chase just said derek fisher is better then chris paul
girl: are u serious? *hdis*

2.boy: hey dad i finally graduated college with my AA degree (is 45 years old)
dad: *hdis*




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:22:42