

俚语 head and pussy

Head and pussy

When taking a bath with your sister. You splash water on her face. As she’s wiping off the water you squirt head and shoulders onto her genitals. Then you viciously rub your head on her genitals to clean your hair.
Dude I heard last night Dave gave his sister deb a head and pussy.

Head pussy

A better name for the opening at the tip of the penis. Otherwise known as the urethral opening
Dude I just came so hard out my head pussy.

Yo dude I think my head pussy is infected.

head pussy

The mouth.
"Man I'm so gald she let me bust in her head pussy last night, I't felt so good."

purple-headed pussy poker

Slang - Amer. - penis (usually circumcised)
Guy #1: So then what?
Guy #2: So then I broke out my purple-headed pussy poker and hit that like a porn star

purple headed pussy ripper


An insult that applies to anyone with a bloated ego. It is synonymous with being a oversized penis that walks like a man with a grotesquely swollen purple head ie. the next step up from being just a dick or being a dick head.

Synonymous to:

*A person who exemplifies being a dick to extremes.
*A complete Douche Bag.
*Ball breakers.
*A person with a SERIOUS attitude problem.
Preppie: You wish you were me.
Not Preppie: Why would I want to be a purple headed pussy ripper like you?

You gave them a really condescending speech that was out of line. Quit acting like such a purple headed pussy ripper.

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman is a total Purple Headed Pussy Ripper. Step on his dick and we all will pay.

Head Pussy

The wrinkles found on the back of a person's head that resemble the outer lips of the vagina.
Dude look at that Hawaiian head pussy!! Thing got me creaming!

Hawaiian Head Pussy

The texture and fold of the skin located on the back of someone's head. Usually only observed after a fresh hair cut or shave. Generally found on Hawaiian locals due to the sun and humidity. Not to be considered as a negative, or a deformity, purely a unique physical trait.
"Wow that haircut is so fresh! Really showcases that sweet Hawaiian head pussy! Honestly that makes me horny"




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