

俚语 head cloud

head cloud

The condition of being slow witted or mentally fatigued, often brought about by sleep deprivation, partying, overworking or over studying, excessive use of television, video games or computer time; cognitive atrophy. It will feel like there is a cloud where your brain should be making it hard to think, concentrate, solve problems, or keep up with conversations.
I feel out of it today man, I have a serious head cloud right now.

head in the clouds

Not being very focused
He has his head in the clouds = he's thinking at something else, he's not very focused

Head in the clouds

Acting on whim or fancy. Living in a fantasy, and oftentimes a lackadaisical manner.
I dont believe it's possible for me to ever have a serious conversation with you, you always have your head in the clouds.

head in the clouds

Performing oral sex in a hotbox (smoked filled vehicle or room).
Human: Head in the clouds tonight?

Other human: Fuck yeah, I'll roll a few fat ones.

Head in the clouds

Receiving fellatio while smoking methamphetamine.
My wife gave my connect head in the clouds for a half ounce of meth while I got high and filmed it.

cloud head

Old person with grey hair.
Don't go in that pub, it's full of cloud heads.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:22:08