Healthy Heathenism, usually requiring prolonged contact with Nature/Natural Ethics - viz -
"If all Life is sacrosanct aka sacred or holy, with equal rights to and equally worthy of development, then Love requires an *ORDER* by which the development of each and every one is possible."
- Ernst Frankenstein (1881-1959) – German/Jewish lawyer, philosopher & international jurist – father of Natural Ethics – as Frank E Warner in ‘Future of Man’ (London 1944)
- Healthen Christians are the ones who require no Church, because EVERYTHING IS. The NOTribe.
"If all Life is sacrosanct aka sacred or holy, with equal rights to and equally worthy of development, then Love requires an *ORDER* by which the development of each and every one is possible."
- Ernst Frankenstein (1881-1959) – German/Jewish lawyer, philosopher & international jurist – father of Natural Ethics – as Frank E Warner in ‘Future of Man’ (London 1944)
- Healthen Christians are the ones who require no Church, because EVERYTHING IS. The NOTribe.
The DenstinyZZZ Churchers* probably think the same of the Healthen Hordes as they think *they* are Heathen Whoreds*
Pervseption is *Tribal* -in the modern and ancient and everything inbetween Senszces of the Word.
Pervseption is *Tribal* -in the modern and ancient and everything inbetween Senszces of the Word.