

俚语 heard turd

Heard Turd

When your mad at someone and you defecate in their bed.
She got so mad she dumped a heard turd.

Knew it was not the dog, it was definitely a heard turd.

Heard Turd

An object of fecal matter deposited in the bed of a significant other, typically done as an act of revenge or as a means of garnering attention.
Amber was feeling emotionally unstable as a result of not getting her way, so she laid a Heard Turd in Johnny’s bed.

Heard A Turd

The act of defecating in a bedroom.
Dude, I’m so sorry. I couldn’t get in the restroom and I had to heard a turd.

Man, my girlfriends new cat thinks it owns the place. It’s probably hearding a turd as we speak

Heard Turd

The shit being taken in a specific place to get a point across to another person who will most likely be the one to find it. Like in the case where Amber Heard was accused of taking a shit in her and Johnny Depp's Bed.
Before the cat left, he made a Heard Terd right where Victor always sits on the couch. Victor totally got Heard Turded!

Heard Turd

The turd you find in your bed occasionally, especially after an argument.
I came home from work today to find a Heard Turd in my bed. My girl blamed the dog, but that thing was bigger than he was. She always does this after we fight...




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