

俚语 heart-bitch


Synonym for a heart attack and/or heart burn. MUST (and this cannot be stressed enough) be said with a Boston accent.
"Oh man, that cheeseburger is gonna give me a heart-bitch!"

cold hearted bitch

A cold hearted bitch is a person who has gone through a lot of stuff, a person who seemed to care about others too much and received nothing but disrespect and bad shit in exchange. By that the person switched up, he/she stopped caring about anything they kept everything to them selves and showed no type of emotions
"She's been treated like shit so many times, she became a cold hearted bitch"

cold hearted bitch

A woman who is has no empathy and is deceitful, ungrateful, unscrupulous and supremely manipulative. She uses sex as a weapon. Along with ruining other people’s lives she also ruins her own. She associates with men who use her for their own selfish purposes and she does the same in turn. It is tragic but as the same time so is the plight of those she victimizes. She has utility driven existence devoid of anything meaningful. She mocks those who are “beneath” her but does not realize they have what she can never have and like Shylock she will realize she can’t drag her ill begotten wealth down to hell. Laughs at homeless people but will in turn not understand or forgive other people’s demons. Sees empathy as a weakness.
That cold hearted bitch is cold, remorseless, unfeeling, rich and high functioning.

Cold hearted bitch

An example of a person who only takes never giving in friendship.
Also a person who is a horrible person irrelevent to the situation.
Also a person who constantly changes opinion on a matter.
A toni cale
Toni Cale is such a cold hearted bitch.

cold hearted bitch

A woman that knows what she wants. Has no hard feelings about doing whatever it takes to get it.

A woman that knows what she wants to say. Spares no persons feelings to get her point across.
that woman is such a "cold hearted bitch" she just told me what she thought of me

cold hearted bitch

A woman that is cruel and heartless, not empathetic to others.
A woman that will make up her mind and leave you high and dry at a moment's notice without a second thought, so in reality basically any and all women on planet earth.
As they say, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!'
Life is a cold hearted bitch!

Cold hearted bitch

A person who doesn't care how she treats others. Often a defamer of sorts. Can't trust this type of character. Will often use ghetto speech to oppress other women, like the idiotic word "Busted." Lame.
You want to avoid Jenny that cold hearted bitch, she'll screw you anyway she can. Usually coercing people by flattering them with expensive gifts.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:49:09