

俚语 anthony middle school

Anthony Middle School Cypress

This school sucked. And i'm not going to be one of those kids who say everything sucks but this school has daily fights and i was in a class where we had 4 new teachers, And we were not a bad class. The teachers just didn't show up! There is also constant bullying and i've reported some and guess what they did. Nothing! I've also reported SA 2 times and they still didn't do jack shit. I've reported pretty much everything in the book and nothing changes. The Lunch also is usually terbily made of just plain rotten. They made us run on track when there was a school shooting threat for crying out loud! I understand that middle schools are big and might not have something but That's no reason for ignoring suicide,SA ,and bullying reports! please don't send your kid here if you care about them!
Person 1: Want to go to Anthony Middle School Cypress?
Person 2: That school suckles lets not go there!

Susan B. Anthony Middle School

The most homophobic, crazy, and mentally deficient school in Minneapolis, mostly White kids acting hood to try and get black cards from their African American friends. Full of short and crazy girls. You can expect three fights a week.
All in all, a shitty, yet fucking amazing school.
“What school do you go to?”
“Susan B. Anthony Middle School”
“Awww hell nah, you one of those crazy bitches”

Anthony wayne middle school

One of the middle schools in wayne new jersy.the school is divided into two sides for each greade for the sixth grade ith is colts and pegasus. for the seventh grade it is the mustangs and pace setters the eighth grade grade is blue and gold. the popular kids are all upper middle class doucebags that play call of duty all day and brag about getting prestiged every week. but that is onley the popular kids. the un popular kids well they actualy give a fuck about their lives still the popular kids are spoiled assholes. every one bassicly lisstens to same music the hits so there is no variety there. unless u r me. the teachers are either cool or straight up doucebags. all in all if u r popular at this this school u r a gudo that only cares about CoD.(did I mention The food at luch is not too bad but not amazizng) if u r not popular you are normal
Gangsta: yo yo yo waz up you go to anthony wayne middle school aint that righ my niggah!
boy: yah niigah its the worst place eva!
guido: hey you gonna be on xbox tonight?
other guido: yah we gonna kill some mad zombies.
gangsta: yo guido fuckas.
guidos: what do you want black man!
gangsta: you re just a guido mothafuckin CoD addict bastard.
Guidos:we are gonna t-t-tell on you meany * cry cry cry *
thay walk away crying like bastards.

Anthony wayne middle school

a school in Wayne nj where jews asians indians and black people learn about shit the school is divided into to 2 sides. on te left side it looks like a normal school on the right side sixth graders beat the shit out of each other. people invovle in "lock fipping" and other gay shit. at lunch people brag about CoD.the teachers are either super cool or strait up bitches. there are fights after school some times. and the kids usualy get caught.
kid: do u go to awms?
other kid: yah i get iss by the bastard vice principal Mr._________ evey day.
kid :fucked up man that is just fucked upi would hate going to Anthony wayne middle school. sounds sooooooo gay. hell indoors

anthony middle school

Anthony middle school is really full of rich white kids that are wannabe hood kids. everyone wants to fight but they are all chickens because they know that if they screw up, the coach will whoop them. lmao imagine.
1: what school do you go to
2: anthony middle school
1: bruh. L school

Anthony Middle School

the worst school in cypress texas 😭 😭 😭
just kys if if u go here 💀 💀
Jamal: Yo frank what school you go to?
Frank: I go to Anthony Middle school.
Jamal: Nigga.. Kys.




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