

俚语 heaven's door

Heavens Door

Is Rohan Kishibe’s stand, one of the fucking overpowered stand in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures Part 4, you write someone and they do what it says no matter the physics.
Rohan: Heavens Door!

Person 1: wait what

Rohan: (writes person 1 fling into a truck)

Person 1: whats happening

Person 1: (flys into truck)

heaven's door

That portion of a woman's anatomy that reminds one of paradise.
I spent the morning knocking on heaven's door.

knockin' on heavens door

(v.) To be undergoing spiritual enlightenment before ones death.
Mama put my gun to the ground, I can't shoot them anymore...

knocking on heavens door

When you are masturbating and you accidentally hit your testicles with your fist.
Guy 1:"Have you ever knocked on heavens door?"
Guy 2: "Dude, i accidentally went knocking on heavens door last night and i was in pain for hours".

knock on heaven's door

When you risk your life and almost get yourself killed.
Example for "knock on heaven's door"
-Why are you always risking your life? I don't want you to be a hero if it kills you! Do you know how much I worry about you? And still, you just keep knocking on heaven's door!
-I'm sorry mom, but I couldn't let that baby burn alive inside that building when it was on fire. And the mother was screaming outside.

knockin' on heaven's door

(v). When, whilst having sexual intercourse with a women or performing the act of cunnilingus, one manually inserts one or multiple fingers into the anus, some going so far as to probe deep within the rectum, to engage in “anal play” in hopes of discovering whether the female currently being explored would be interested in later engaging in anal intercourse.
Jim, "I saw that fly honey your took home last night. What a booty! You throw your salami into the dark depths of her chocolate factory?"

Mosephus, "Shit, white-nigger, she never gave me the chance. I threw two fingers up there but it turns out that I was just knockin' on heaven's door."

Knocking on heaven's door

When your dick is so big that the head repeatedly bounces off the cervix during intercourse.
"Yo Leish, remember Tyrone that boi i I had ova last nite!?!

"U kno it girl, wha he do?"

"Gurl his dick so big he be knocking on heaven's door all night kno whA am sayin?"

"Shit guerrrlll"




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