

俚语 hermitage academy

hermitage academy

the best school in scotland :D but full of sluts called sammy!
hermitage academy -'we are better than lomond!'

hermitage academy

best school in chester. i love it when i find alive bugs in my pasta and almost throw up. i love it when i get screamed at for wearing a cost indoors when its -5°. i love the racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, sexist and xenophobic teachers that somehow havent been fired yet. i love it when they let the popular lads off being arses. i love it when i get a c3 immediately for rolling up my skirt that is ridiculously long but when a lad rolls his trousers up or untucks his shirt he gets only a warning and not even a flag.
“hermitage academy is the sickest school man, way better than park view”




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