

俚语 hermitous


hermit behavior, to hermit thy self, the act of hermiting, to hermit, to stay home intending to save money by not going out, avoiding your friends.
I lead a hermitous life in my dismal apartment with no friends, no money and no girlfriend.


A hermit is a self-defined loner. A person who chooses the company of themselves over others.
The hermit lived in the hills for many years only coming into the town for supplies.


A condition whereby the sufferer does not like to be out in public or surrounded by people for long periods of time. The sufferer would rather be alone and by themselves than have interaction with other people. The person with this condition is not a loner, just someone who prefers their own company to the company of others.
"That's Shannon over there, she's got Hermititis. I think she caught it in Iowa."

"Hey Shannon, whats up with you today? You don't seem to be yourself.."
"Oh, thats just my Hermititis flaring up again. Must be a full moon."


Someone who is a lone wolf, doesn't like to go out, likes the quiet, keeps away from people and from new things
is bothered by loudness,
A Saleh
Dude, Saleh is such a hermit!


A person living in solitude for different reasons. Reasons can be introversion, religious discipline, laziness, or just plain "gave-up-on-humanity-ism".
"You should beware of how much time you spend alone, dude. You're starting to become a hermit, and pretty soon we won't see you at all ... man."


I don't know how a Hermit is synonomous with loser or lazy but whatever.

Anyway Hermits are people who tend to not want to socialize with other humans all the time. Most spend their entire lives wandering the planet. Like loners they do tend to make friends, and associates, and can pretty much network with anyone, but they choose not to go any further than a hollow friendship. Though they do run in to the best plutonic relationships.

Hermits, and loners are not socially inept, but hermits tend to not like to stay in the same place for very long. Thus not permitting the time it takes to actually be in some kind of crappy group or something like that.
Hermits are alone. Though they are alone they have no problem with socializing with people, but they chose a life that leaves them alone.


The act, or..verb of being a hermit.
I think I'd rather stay inside than face all of that there drama. Yaaaaay, hermitism!




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