

俚语 hernandez's


1.Commonly used to describe someone or something very large.
2.Someone who eats a lot all the time.
1.Dude youre cat is huge! Hes such a Hernandez!
2.Man last night I pigged out like no ones business! I did such a Hernandez!


On June 26, 2013, Aaron Hernandez, Tight End for the New England Patriots, was taken from his home in handcuffs and into police custody. The Patriots released Hernandez later that day. Currently, Hernandez is a suspect in a police investigation surrounding the murder of an associate, Odin Lloyd.

Hernandezed (verb) 1. to proverbially kill or slaughter (usually a joke or story)

Note: can have positive or negative connotation.
Taylor: "Enough jokes about Aaron Hernandez and Ray Lewis - I'm laughing to DEATH".
Greg: "Wow, you really 'Hernandezed' that one."


noun: One of which comes from mexico and cant read. She usually smells of cabbage and hot dogs.
Man your such a hernandez


Hernandez is a typical last name of a latino who has a big penis and handsome face and steal anygirl
“Omg that hernandez dude is handsome i wonder how big is penis is



To have your hands behind your back as if you were hand cuffed while you're arms are still under your shirt. Similar to how Aaron Hernandez was arrested.
Friend: "Hey check out Aaron Hernandez on SportsCenter! He just got arrested!"
Me: "Dude they didn't even let him put a shirt on before the cuffed him. That has got to be a new trend! Hernandezing!"


What some homosexual people call oral sex.

Guy 1: Hey man can I get a Hernandez?
Guy 2: Sure! But I dont swallow.


The son of hernàn. The dude that conquered the Aztecs. Hernan Cortés' descendants.
My name is Bob Hernandez.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:08:09