

俚语 "hernia"


A term used by doctors to tell you your intestines are popping through your muscles. That you need surgery to fix the problem, and you’ll have to miss the trip you’ve been looking forward to all year because you cant walk anymore. Upon arriving at the recommended surgeon that is supposed to fix your problem, you will be told that you in fact do not have a hernia, and that some magical pills called antibiotics (an•tie•by•ah•ticks) will fix the cyst like infection you really have in a couple of days. At this point you will have spent all the money you have been saving for your trip on other things, like school supplies and visits to a surgeon. You will realize, that had you known what it was in the first place, you could have gone on your trip, and saved a lot of time and agony.
If it wasn’t for that moron of a doctor telling me I had a "hernia", I could have gone to Burningman.


A protrusion of the intestines and other abdominal organs out of the abdominal cavity and under the skin. Typically can be repaired by pushing the organs back into the abdomen and placing a teflon grid over the area under the skin to prevent recurrance. Typically occurs in males.
The doctor made me turn my head and cough to test for a hernia.


The act of pulling on testicle upwards and letting it rest on the tope of the jeans, therefore appearing to have a hernia.
The person that performs the act is said to be doing 'the hernia'.
The best way to perform 'the hernia' is to wear a t-shirt and stretch just next to the victim.
Tom 'Dude, i totally give the bar maid the hernia and she nearly dropped my pint'

Roy 'Totes ma goats'.


n. -Slang for an exposed scrotum. Often done spontaneously for the shock and enjoyment of others. Not legal, but damn, it's fun!
Adam-Hey guys, wanna see my hernia?
Guys- OMG, put that thing away!


When somebodies dick becomes so violently munted that the outside of the penis becomes filled with the insides of the penis, creating a sack of the insides of your cock outside your penis. Giving you a munted dick.
Person1: Dude, you've got a Hernia!
Person2: I know, It's so large and munted!


a big poofy thing that like. comes out of you which its fun to poke. it looks like a bubble. if you get one people may call you bubble boy. :O
ouch i ahve a hernia *boo hoo*


A slang term for a headache caused by wearing tight headphones and listening to music at the same time when asleep. The headphones cut off circulation to the head and produce discomfort in the head. The music projected from the headphones are repeatedly bashing your ear drums while you are asleep and slowly start producing one hell of a headache.
Victim of a Hernia: Ow! Man, my head hurts Josh!
Josh: That sucks. Don't fall asleep when listening to music next time.




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