

俚语 herpegonosyphilaids


The worst Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) a person could ever contract. It is comprised of the following: herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis and AIDS.
"I just got back from Vegas and something really itches and burns down below!"
"Oh, I think you've picked up herpegonosyphilaids...sounds like what happened in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas!"


When you're not sure what the skank in the corner has. You have to assume she has ....herpegonosyphilaids
Yo man! you better stay away from that ho.... That bitch got herpegonosyphilaids..


The most deadliest of all S.T.D.'s. It is the combination of Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and AIDS.
Thanks to herpegonosyphilaids, I can't even breathe around others without getting them infected!


The STD rainbow. Contains the main four sexually transmitted diseases is often carried by prostitutes, loose strippers and everyone in that seedy night club you were in last week.
Guy 1: Dude, you got herpegonosyphilaids? You're like Red from an STD version of Pokemon!
Guy 2: Yeah, I caught 'em all.
Guy 1: I hear its worse than Super Aids


The place-holder name for the unknown STI you got first semester of college, derived from a portmanteau of herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, and AIDS.
My herpegonosyphilaids is really acting up but the free clinic doesn’t open until Friday


As the name implies, the worst STD you can get. Originated deep inside the jungle of your mom.
I got herpegonosyphilaids when I fucked your mom doggy-style.


When a woman has 2 or more of these sexual diseases.

Word made from show Redonkulas.
Terrence: Did you see that woman at the bar over there?
Popp: Yeah, it looks like she has a bad case of herpegonosyphilaids.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:24:38