Herve Chapelier
French handbag designer that offers a selection of shoulder bags, travel tots, briefcases, backpacks and make up bags. Similar style as Longchamp. More noticeably known for his waterproof nylon canvas bag in a 2 tone color, called the 925N model. All Hervé bags are distinct with a green brand tag sewed on the side of each item. The most popular bag is a large shoulder bag with black nylon straps, closed with a 2 way zipper on the top, always in 2 colors, for the bottom and sides. Roomy enough for school books, gym, diaper and shopping. Can easily be cleaned with a toothbrush, soap and water, hang to dry.
Very popular in Europe, gained recognition around year 2000 in Nothern/East parts of the USA. Worn by young higschool girls, or college students.
Usually linked to a preppy style and higher class students. The bag is worth around 100$+ US.
Sold in fashion departements such as Bloomingdale's, Saks, Delfino as well as Hervé boutiques in Europe.
Hervé Chapelier bags are easy to find on the web for discounted prices.
Very popular in Europe, gained recognition around year 2000 in Nothern/East parts of the USA. Worn by young higschool girls, or college students.
Usually linked to a preppy style and higher class students. The bag is worth around 100$+ US.
Sold in fashion departements such as Bloomingdale's, Saks, Delfino as well as Hervé boutiques in Europe.
Hervé Chapelier bags are easy to find on the web for discounted prices.
When I was a young girl, all the rich girls at my private school wore an Herve Chapelier!